2020: My non-New Years Resolution

On 31st Dec, 2019, I was sitting in Kolkata, India, on the lawn of the Kolkata Club. In front was a stage, musicians and DJs from bollywood. Around me were relatives and family, ready to celebrate the New Years with a big dinner and lots of musical entertainment. And for all the excitment around me, it felt like any other New Years. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAFnby2184o][John Oliver]] said it well when he described New Years as ‘/The Worst!/’. My track record hasn’t been great with New Years. For all the hype we put on New Year, New Me, we end up falling back into the same habits. So ironically, I came up with a goal on New Years to spite to all my failed New Years resolution; to write 1-2 scripts a week for a year in any programming language.

eink calendar: Part 1

UPDATE 2020, Oct 16 I stopped trying to modify my kobo ereader a long while back. When I started the project, I was enjoy a ready access to nearby libraries and the joys of physical books. I’ve come to find that there is room for the Kobo in my library, especially for the heavier books like Les Miserable and The Count of Monte Cristo that are just too big to carry around.

My plan for a CRISPR-KO library and scRNA-seq

DISCLAIMER I assume that you have working knowledge of vectors (plasmids) used in molecular biology, and know what an RNA or sgRNA is. Anything else is not important or will be explained. My master’s thesis will be published soon on the NUS scholar’s bank. While I’m proud of what I’ve managed to do, the wet lab side of the work almost broke me! For instance, an image in the thesis showing a western blot of DLG5 Knock-Out (KO) took almost 3 months of work.

About the blog This blog will be a record of projects completed both professionally and in my spare time. It will be about programming, my discoveries, and biology. I started this blog to figure out static web programming. It’s a little something that’s still developing into something else. Commenting system You will only be able to comment on this site if you have a github account. Github isn’t something that everyone is registered to, but getting comments to work as it is took a decent amount of trial and error.